Prof. Mitsuhiro Shibayama retired from the University of Tokyo in March 2020.
He is currently the director of the CROSS Neutron Science Center.
Dr. Xiang Li moved to the Faculty of Advanced Life Sciences, Hokkaido University in September 2021.
卒業生・スタッフ リンク一覧
2000; Tomohisa Norisuye, Kyoto Institute of Technology
2000; Takashi Morinaga, National Institute of Technology, Tsuruoka College
森永 隆志研究室(鶴岡工業高等専門学校)
2003; Irina Nasimova, Moscow State University
Physics Department, Moscow State University
2003; Lucille V. Abad, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
2006; Michihiro Nagao, NIST
Michihiro Nagao, NIST (Neutron-Condensed Matter Science Group)
2009; Noboru Osaka, Okayama Science University
大坂 昇研究室(岡山理科大)高分子物理化学研究室
2009; Shyamal Kundu, Galgotias University
Department of Physics, School of Basic and Applied Sciences
2010; Hitoshi Endo, KEK
遠藤 仁(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所)
2013; Hanako Asai, Fukui University
浅井 華子(工学系部門 工学領域 繊維先端工学講座)
2013; Makoto Asai, Keio University
浅井 誠 (慶応大学グローバルリサーチインスティテュート)
2014; Kengo Nishi, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Applied Physical Sciences
2015; Kenta Fujii, Yamaguchi University
2017; Ken Morishima, Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
守島 健(複合原子力科学研究所)
2017; Shintaro Nakagawa, Institute of Industrial Science, U. Tokyo
中川 慎太郎(東大生産研究所)
2020; Takuma Kureha, Hirosaki University
2021; Li Xiang, Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University
Xiang Li Group(北海道大学大学院先端生命科学研究院; ソフトマター構造物性学研究室)
Welcome to Shibayama Lab. In Shibayama laboratory, we study soft matter such as polymers, gels, and micelles, using quanta called neutrons, or photons (light) as “eyes” for observation. We investigate not only the structure of soft matter but also mechanical properties, fluidity, thermal properties, optical properties, etc., and use it for designing new materials.
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